Full-Stack Development
At the beginning of 2021 there was a word that was popping up in every other post I was reading. I found my self side reading this "REST" word, whatever it meant to me by that time. So one day I started researching about it and how RESTful API were playing such an important role in the dev world. This curiosity led me to discover frameworks such as Flask and later NextJS. So in order to properly learn it I started reading about it, watching several tutorials and as a milestone I decided to create my very own website, which is the one you are currently visiting.
Very briefly I will bullet-point the the features this website has.
- Data fetching from MongoDB.
- Front-end written in JS with React and NextJS.
- Responsive design.
- Authentification and encryption.
- Search Engine Optimization.
- TO DO: connect with an adition Python REST API that would connect with a render farm.
I hope you like it!